At trivago we strive to gather the best information on travel and destinations that the internet has to offer.When it comes to finding the right accommodation for your travel needs, our database holds over 150,000 hotels.
You can search them according to destination, or, to quickly find the hotel that matches your individual needs, simply pre-select your requirements from a list of over 200 criteria. Once you select a hotel, you will find plenty of useful information, including reports and evaluations by people who have stayed there.
If you find something you like, we guarantee that our meta price search technology will find you the best deal for it. We achieve this by comparing prices from multiple sources and matching them to the hotel(s) you selected. This will ensure you the greatest savings possible.
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trivago - hotel reviews and travelguide
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pierrejacques is the Community Administrator of this website with listing(s) in the Guides and Directories category, and belongs to category(s) with a total of 1 listing(s).
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