If you're looking for the best real estate attorneys in New York City, look no further than our law firm at Fabular, Li & Associates, P.C. Our experienced lawyers are ready to answer all of your real estate legal needs. We help both homeowners and homebuyers, as well as landlords and renters, prepare legal documents to ensure all real estate transactions go smoothly. Whether you're looking for someone to answer questions you may have on residential closings, commercial closings, lease negotiations, 1031 exchanges and co-op representations in New York. Call us today to schedule a cost-free consultation.
Service: real estate law
Business Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:30am - 5:00pm
We are located at 2 Mott Street, Suite 400, New York, NY 10013, United States
(212) 518-8380
Email us at info@fabularli.com
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