The ENT Head-Neck Centre Provides diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose and throat (ENT) disorders.
Backed by extensive training and experience, Dr Ebrahim provides diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of ENT disorders. Your ears, nose and throat are extremely important parts of your body, and when a problem occurs, it can make going about everyday life much more difficult.
Located at the Waikato DHB, Dr Ebrahim serves patients from Hamilton and the greater Waikato area. Whether you are suffering from allergies, sinus infections, snoring or hearing issues, or any ear, nose or throat related problem, Dr Ebrahim will determine the cause and offer a high level of specialty care for both adults and children.
When you visit the ENT clinic, you will be asked about your medical history, have a physical examination, and any additional tests required to reach diagnosis.
Business Email : info@enthnc.co.nz
Working Hours : Mon to Fri - 9:00 am To 5:00 pm ; Sat To Sun - Closed
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ENT & Head-Neck Centre
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