1615 Media Design offers affordable web design, web development, web maintenance and graphic design services for individuals and small businesses from $99. Sole proprietorship based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Web Design / Web Development:
* personal websites
* small business websites
* blogging websites
* e-commerce websites
* news websites
* community building and social network websites
* discussion forums websites
* picture galleries / photo sharing websites
* mobile device websites
* wiki-like / encyclopedia websites
Website Maintenance Services:
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
* Expand your website structure and content
* Redesign your old website
* Secure your website
* Off-site data protection and On-site backup service
* CMS and Plugins Update Service
* Install new plugins or setup installed plugins
* Clone or move your website
* Reset passwords
Graphic Design Services:
* Logo Design
* Banner Design
* Icon Design
* Button Design
* Business Cards Design
* Corporate
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1615 Media Design
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