As a group of adults, we are tired of the weirdos, perverts and creeps that try to contact kids and teens online. We have set up a grassroots effort to post their chat IDs, email addresses, aliases, pictures and any other information we can find about them. Our hopes are to make the internet a safer place by allowing these usernames and addresses to be searchable on the net.
Pervert-Busters.com was created by TymeOut and Cabela, two women from different sides of the country hoping to make a difference. We originally started our war against internet perverts with a blog listing the pervert's chatlogs, pictures, and aliases. However, realizing that the blog was not sufficient in databasing the records and was not available to search engines due to the Content Warning we placed on the blog (on account of the explicit nature of the chatlogs), we decided the best option was to create a website to file our records.
Pervert-Busters.com not only houses chatlogs, it contains many links and re
Accuracy Rating™
Pervert Busters - Exposing Internet Predators • Index page
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of this website with listing(s) in the Chat category, and belongs to category(s) with a total of 1 listing(s).
Member Reputation Rating™: Neutral