AuraMD is a medical practice that implements services for both emotional and physical wellness.
For emotional wellness, as a Houston psychiatrist, Dr. Ashley Toutounchi offers highest quality psychiatric care for most mental health issues including Adult ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Women's Health Issues and more.
At AuraMD, Dr. Ashley Toutounchi provides a balance between incorporating both medication management in addition to therapy or other services if determined beneficial. She communicates openly with her patients and considers the patient's preference within her style of management as well as integrating into a framework of a medically appropriate therapeutic regimen.
She provides both a balance between patient needs and systematically streamlines them into medication management to enhance quality of living to improve her patient's quality of living on a daily basis. Dr. Ashley Toutounchi collaboratively works with her patients in a personalized and caring manner.
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Ashley D. Toutounchi, MD, PA
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