General Questions
Registrations, submitting listing, membership etc.

1) I didn't get a membership activation email after signing up. What can I do?
YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO LOG IN, IF YOU DO NOT CONFIRM YOUR ACTIVATION USING THE EMAIL WE SEND YOU. The membership activation email comes from If you did not recieve the email it could be in a spam or junk-mail folder, rather than your inbox. We suggest you look there. Many email systems automatically block or move emails from unknown sources and you may not see mail which is automatically send to spam or unknown. If you seem to be unable to get your mail try setting your email to accept mail from The setting may involve either adding to your "whitelist" or other "email sender lists".

2) I would like to get another copy of the confirmation email sent. How do I get it?
The activation email can be re-sent to you. Type in the email address you registered under in order to have another copy sent to you:

Please make sure is on your "whitelist". Check your junk folder.

3) I tried everything and I still did not receive my membership activation email. What can I do? We can give you personal support. Use this link to submit a support request:Click here for support
4) The activation code that I received does not work?
I am receiving the error message: "Incorrect activation code. Please copy and paste from the email" The link may have gotten truncated in the email. If there is additional code on second line, add that part to URL in your browser address window, or use link above to have code resent. We need the entire string, anything missing will get the above error.
5) How do I add my listing to MasterMOZ?
You must be registered to add a listing. After registering, login. After you login, click down into the most appropriate category for your listing. In the gray bar towards the right side, under the MasterMOZ logo you will see "Submit Listing". Click on it, add information about your website, and click submit at the bottom of the page. Your listing will be live, immediately, in the MasterMOZ directory.
6) How do I edit my listing?
Login is at the top of each page. After you log in, click on My Account. The same link is on the top right of many pages. Your listings are shown in your account page. Click on blue "E" on right side of listing to edit it. Note: An edited listing will become Neutral (updated) in status.

7) Why should I put my website in MasterMOZ?
The web is very large, and it can be difficult to get noticed, partly because of the web size and scale and partly because the web is not tangible or concrete. The challenge all businesses have is getting noticed and in particular getting noticed for the correct reasons. Your business is important. You spend time and money building your business and its website. MasterMOZ helps you get noticed.

8) My business does very well. I use Google and other search engines to drive customers and potential customers (traffic) to my site. Will a listing in MasterMOZ help or hurt this in any way?
MasterMOZ is the premiere socially managed web directory. It is a Human Managed Directory and meets search engine standards. MasterMOZ is designed and intended to bring visibility and clarity to your website. MasterMOZ has many categories so that your website can classified correctly. This category clarity combined with the details you submit will bring greater clarity and accuracy to your website which helps search engines know more about your website and the business your website describes and this never hurts and really helps you get more accurately placed in search engine indexes.

9) MasterMOZ has too many categories. How can I figure out where to put my listing? Can't I put it at the hightest level for my business? MasterMOZ has many categories. Do not be discouraged, these categories are your friend. The categories are used to distinguish your business from others on the web, the category - sub-category details help you and your website be known in specific disciplines and topics of interest. Without detailed categories your business and it's associated website would be less distinguished and distinctly associated to specific information.

10) How does MasterMOZ work? Why is it beneficial to add my business to the MasterMOZ directory?
A listing in MasterMOZ adds distinct and credible information about you and your website/business from a credible source other than your website. It is important to have quality information explaining your website which is also pushing towards your website. External reference to your business and your website add relevance to your website and your business. MasterMOZ only allows accurate and credible information. If inaccurate or non-credible information is found, it will not meet the MasterMOZ guidelines, will be reviewed, and will be removed unless it's revised. Information which does not meet the MasterMOZ guindelines can be cited in a review.

11) MasterMOZ has both free and paid listings. Why should I pay when there are free listings available?
All listings in MasterMOZ bring benefit, paid listings bring additional benefits. Paid listings display at the top of categories and provide additional exposure and traffic as well as quicker indexing by search engines.

12) Do I need to register to put my website on MasterMOZ?
Yes, you must become a member in order to put a listing on MasterMOZ. All listings are submitted by members who go to the category and click "Submit Listing" on top right of the screen. If you are not logged in you will not see the "Submit Listing" link at the top of the page. Again, listings are submitted by members.

13) How do I change my MasterMOZ password?
Logon (at the top of each page). After Logging in, click on My Account at top of the page. You will see your listings. Click on "My Profile" on the right of your listings. Then enter your new password in the "Change Password To" field and click the "Edit Profile" button.

Review Questions Also see: Accuracy Rating Guidelines
How reviews work, how to revise listings, how to remedy a negative review...
To maintain an active listing in MasterMOZ you must maintain an active email. To make it as simple as possible for the reviewer and the reviewee the process works like this: ~~~~~~~

1) What does the MasterMOZ review process do and why does it exist?
MasterMOZ's unique review process is designed to get 100% consensus between the person responsible for the listing and members that review the listing. Reviews assist to keep information in the website directory accurate and up-to-date.

2) Who can review my listing?
Other members of the category a listing is in, can review listings in that category.

3) What if there are no members in my category?
A moderator can review your listing for accuracy. If you want a moderator to review send us a message: Send us a message

4) What does accurate mean?
It means that the information you submitted about your listing is correct and not misleading according to MasterMOZ listing guidelines.

5) Why do I get emails from MasterMOZ?
Emails keep you informed about your listing and MasterMOZ. To be listed you MUST have an active email. We will send you minimum necessary emails to keep you informed. We believe everyone's time is valuable.
6) When will I get emails?
You will receive an email when your listing status changes. When your listing:
Is reviewed as accurate.
Reviewed as inaccurate and needs revision (You have 15 hours).
Is inaccurate - 10 hours to revise listing.
Is inaccurate - 5 hours to revise listing.
Is inaccurate - 1 hour to revise listing.
When your listing goes off-line.

In addition, we will send you emails when a review occurs in categories in which you have listings. Also we occasionally send emails notifying you of changes and status of the MasterMOZ website and system.
7) What happens if my listing is reviewed as accurate by my category reviewers?
You listing gets marked as Accurate. The listing stays online. The Accurate status will be shown with your listing in both the category and the listing detail page.
8) What do I do if my listing is reviewed as inaccurate?
You can correct and revise your listing by editing it. As soon as you edit a listing its status becomes: Neutral (revised). It's again avaiilable for review by other category members. You can edit your listing at any time. After you edit a listing the status changes to Neutral.

If you get reviewed as being in wrong category send us a message with the full path to the new/better category and we will move your listing to that category. Example: The MasterMOZ Web Directory > Business > Investing > Commodities and Futures > Forex or the link Move my listing to correct Category
Please Note: Go to edit your listing, you can change your category by entering a new Category ID#. The category id number is located in the grey bar under the logo after the category name, when you are in a category.
10) What happens if my listing goes offline?
You can update/correct your listing anytime by editing it. As soon as you edit your listing the status becomes Neutral and again reviews are possible.
11) How do I check the status of my listing?
You can see it in the category it's listed in, or you can log-in and click My Account at the top of this page. From there you can see your status and your listing's status.
12) I don't see my listing online, where did it go?
Unrevised listings become hidden. You will not see your listing if you didn't revise it after a review requiring action. Listings with a status of Needs revision and not revised within 15 hours, go offline. Offline listings are not visible in the directory. You can log in to your account and revise your listing, that will restore it's status to Neutral and make it online and avialable in its category.
13) What if I feel that the reviewer is being unfair?
The hisory of reviews is available. If you feel that your listing is not being reviewed fairly you may request mediation by an administrator or moderator. There is a mediation link at the right of each review, simply use the mediation form to describe your situation. The situation will be reviewed and you will be notified of the outcome in a timely fashion.