Are you experiencing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? Here at Casa de Sante (casadesante.com), we make low FODMAP foods for people with IBS. We sell low FODMAP products for people with IBS and digestive sensitivities. Our brand products are FODMAP Friendly certified. We also sell FODMAP Dietitian approved products. All our products are small batch, artisan and made with the finest ingredients. They contain no additives, preservatives or fillers. Your health and well-being is our priority. For this reason, we work closely with FODMAP Friendly to ensure that our products are low FODMAP and kind to your tummy. Our products are vegan, dairy, gluten, onion & garlic free.
We are located at Casa de Sante, Inc, 1776 at Ambler Yards, Building 4, 300 Brookside Ave. , Ambler, PA 19002, USA
Contact Us:
Phone: (844) 767-4324
Email: sales@casadesante.com
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