Welcome to USA Vein Clinics, a network of state of the art facilities dedicated to the treatment of venous insufficiency. In our clinics, cardiovascular doctors specializing exclusively in problems with circulation provide comprehensive evaluation and treatment utilizing the most modern equipment and individual approach to all and each of our patients.
Despite the common belief that people with vein problems always have varicosities, majority of patients do not have visible signs of the disease at all. Instead, they suffer from tiredness, heaviness, swelling, aching pains, burning, itching, cramps, restless leg syndrome, and even non-healing ulcers. While some people develop varicose veins, the others have so-called ""spider"" veins, yet other ones have swollen legs as a single sign of vein disease. Eventually and regardless of the type of venous disorder, the condition can lead to serious complications, including trophic ulcers, bleeding, infection and even blood clot formation.
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USA Vein Clinics
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