Rob knows what it is like to move from a life of fear into a rich and fulfilling life. Helping others connect authentically to their bigger, greater self is is part of his life's purpose. Living authentically in all aspects of life is Rob’s goal for himself and for those with whom he works. The self you bring to work is the same self you bring to your loved ones, even if it does not feel that way. Rob coaches the whole person; not just one aspect of a person. Areas of coaching: leadership, Life Balance, Starting a business, getting unstuck, life and professional transactions, , increases productivity, build communication skills and many other
As a coach, Rob works with clients in both the personal and professional arenas. Together with his clients, they go through a process of inquiry and experience that then connect the client to their dreams and goals. Together, they identify achievable, actionable steps that develop new practices, shift perspectives and support the client in reach
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