Bakshiganj Govt. Kiamat Ullah College is a higher secondary and degree (pass) based government educational institution.It is situated at the centre of Bakshiganj town covering of 15 acres of land. There have two academic buildings, one administrative building, mosque, sahid minar, enriched library and trees in the college campus in which it always remains a serene environment. Now there read about 16 hundred students under arts, science and business studies groups in higher secondary and degree (pass) course in the college. To govern its academic and administrative activities properly 17 higher educated and meritorious teachers have been working in guidance of a highly qualified and expert principal. The students as well as the teachers have been drawing remarkable steps in various sectors such as education, literature, culture, sports etc. It has been working relentlessly to create educated, skilled and polite citizen as well as human resourse for the country from its beginning.
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Bakshiganj Govt. Kiamat Ullah College
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