Sam Mckaig is an American businessman, entertainment executive, and marketing consultant from Santa Barbara California with current holdings and ventures in the film and entertainment industry, luxury real estate industry, residential real estate investing, marketing and brand consulting, web and social media management, clothing lines, print media, and more. Sam Mckaig also serves as an executive for companies in both the entertainment industry as well as the education industry. Sam Mckaig is credited for writing and consulting on a number of books, TV and feature film screenplays, new media projects, and the production of content for various advertising campaigns. As a consultant Mr. McKaig is hired to rebrand companies and public figures with a focus on new media, web, and social media marketing campaigns. Sam McKaig's work has been seen in various publications around the world including the Hollywood Reporter, Le Progress France, Screen Magazine, Screen Daily, Breakdance Magazine, Hip-Hop International, NewsPress.com, The Independent, Flippin' The Script, Montecito Magazine, Casa Magazine, The Daily Sound, as well as various TV stations, theaters, radio shows, web and new media projects, documentaries, and news castings throughout the United States, Asia, and Europe. For more information visit: www.SamuelMckaig.com
Business Hours: Mon-Sun: 8:00am-9:00pm
Our office is located at 4050 Calle Real #120, Santa Barbara, CA 93110, USA.
You can contact us through:
Phone: (424) 291-2658
Email: info@samuelmckaig.com
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