The Safest and Strongest Fencing for Horses
As used and recommended by the world's leading thoroughbred farms
To be used when safety is of the utmost importance
The strongest and safest fence construction known for horses.
Small Diamond Mesh spacings prevent hooves and legs from becoming caught in the fence.
Diamond pattern forms a strong and flexible mesh construction.
The springy texture of fence protects horses and foals from injury.
All fence wires are heavily galvanised for long life.
Horse Fencing that is quickly and easily erected.
The low maintenance fence for horses.
You can be confident in the knowledge your valuable bloodstock is not only secure but also safe from predators.
Diamond Mesh Horse Fencing construction is safe, strong and flexible, it does not rust or break, nor sag or roll up at the bottom.
20 year guarantee against fence breakage.
Horse fencing suitable for quarantine applications
What price will you pay for the world's best horse fencing?
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Diamond Mesh Horse Fencing
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