Modern Influence is an Oklahoma City marketing firm that focuses on serving businesses in OKC, Edmond, Moore, Norman and surrounding areas. Modern Influence utilizes four simple steps to provide our services– uncover, propose, create and deploy. Understanding your company and where you stand is the first step for any kind of marketing. This allows us to evaluate the competition, see where the industry sets the bar, and how we can one-up that standard. Next, we will pitch you a proposal depending on the complexity of the project. Thereafter, we will start the marketing process. We give the flexibility to our clients to be able to monitor the progress of the project as we begin from day one. This allows for our clients to request any changes as we move through the process. This also ensures that our client is fully satisfied and there is nothing to worry about with the final result. Furthermore, Modern Influence offers Audio Production, Augmented Reality, Branding, Email Marketing
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