Christian Abouhaidar is a world-renowned professional makeup artist based in Beirut, Lebanon who innovative, detail-oriented, artistic approach to beauty. his unique style has accumulated a global following and a long list of clients which includes super Star Elissa, Yara , Cyrine Abdel Nour & Sherine along with internationally-celebrated photographers and models, celebrities, and royal families worldwide.
Christian quickly became famous for pioneering his signature look and has since become one of the most sought-after makeup artists in the entire Middle East.
Abouhaidar has flourished as an artist and made his presence felt worldwide. As the youngest celebrity makeup artist in the Middle East and one of the top social media influencers in his region, entrepreneur owning his own 3D Fiber Lashes Brand and online Store his work has been featured in several printed publications and television programs in the Middle East.
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Christian Abouhaidar
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