These DVDs get the family healthy... in body and mind! Kids learn to lead active, healthy lives... and parents get reeeeel smart around the house & garden! Three kids' DVDs are huge hits with elementary teachers around the continent as they're easy to use and fun for their kids. Kids at home get great workouts in front of the TV while learning from a great role model the importance of leading an active life. These three DVDs for kids 5-8, 8-12 & 9-99 help fight the obesity epidemic. Parents love the DIY DVDs on home, garden and outdoor skills. They show 89 fast & easy skills to fix-up and maintain the home; 72 skills to create a dream garden: and 50 skills to really enjoy the outdoors with the family. Each skill is a separate video... and each DVD has hundreds of others skills that can be printed out.
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Creating healthy kids and smart parents!
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of this website with listing(s) in the Your Family category, and belongs to category(s) with a total of 1 listing(s).
Member Reputation Rating™: Neutral
"I am the producer of all content on the DVDs" -rlucy