When you stay at The Starkey Mansion, you'll feel like you stepped back in time, without sacrificing any of today's modern conveniences. With keyless, remote locks on all our doors and the finest linens, you'll feel relaxed and pampered in our luxurious, spacious mansion. Our 13,000-square-foot Georgian residence has 7 bedrooms, 10 beds can sleep 20 pax available to our guests, 4.5 bathrooms, a fitness center, a formal garden, and much more.
When you book a stay, you’ll get a glimpse of Mary Louise Starkey’s legacy in our hallways, where photos of graduates from the Starkey International Institute for Household Management grace the walls. For nearly 40 years, the Starkey Mansion has been home to the best of students taking courses on Household Management, fine housekeeping, etiquette, formal entertainment, and the culinary arts. Mrs. Starkey’s 1,800 graduates have gone on to manage the private lives of the high-net-worth around the world.
(720) 788-3398
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The Starkey Mansion
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